Q2 week 1 - Mise En scene

                                                            Q2 week 1 - Mise En scene 

                                                            Netflix original series "You" 


For this assignment, I decided to interpret what I learned about Mise En Scene      within the Netflix original series known as "you". I chose this film because I feel as if this show demonstrates several attributes of Mise En scene. This series used the staging and or acting, setting, costumes, and lighting in order to develop a film that not only keeps the audience on their toes but evokes emotions out of them as well.


In this scene, we can see marienne (the librarian) expressing her frustration towards joe due to the fact that he interfered between an argument that she and her ex-boyfriend were engaging in. And as a result of her actions, she demonstrated her emotional input within the film. Not only did her acting place the audience in her shoes in order to view and even feel her emotions, but she also brought her character to life. Her body language, her facial expressions, and her tone/voice all came into play in this scene. This could be seen as non-method or stylized acting in the view of the fact that she overacted or dramatized her emotions for a "comic effect". 


in this scene, we can see joe in the driver’s seat and love in the passenger seat. The setting of this scene consists of rain, thunder, the night sky, a running car with the windshield wipers moving in a consistent swaying motion. These are all factors that set not only the mood of the scenes but the characters state of mind as well. The setting establishes a gloomy and mysterious mood. Before this scene, joe and love previously buried a body and they are most likely going through a lot of different emotions (as we can see in loves face, she’s panicking and breathing frantically) the setting establishes their state of mind and expresses how gloomy, worried, or even scared that they might be.


in this scene, we can see joe dragging a corpse across the floor at a high angle. And in this scene the director used a low-key form of lighting. The fill light is at a very low level and because of this there are several casted shadows. This lighting was effective in this scene due to the fact that it established a dark and mysterious atmosphere. Joe is dragging a dead body across the floor which corelates with the atmosphere that was created by this obscuring light


in this scene we can see Theo and love conversing. I chose to implement this scene in order to represent the costume portion of this assignment. Theo in real life is 27 years old. And in this scene and throughout the entire show his costume and the way he dresses portrays him as a teenager. I thought that this detail was very significant for the directors because Theo is supposed to be a teenage boy living with his dad, and if they happened to dress him in a more formal or "adult" attire it would dimmish their goal and would make his character seem unrealistic. 


In this scene, not only can we see joe and love, but we can also see neighbors and or pedestrians walking their dog. Everyone within this film is often dressed in a casual attire/ costume. The outfits that the characters are wearing are not dramatic and they fit the theme of the film. The directors of the film wanted to establish a normal and casual atmosphere, but with a twist (Joe and Love being murders). Solely off the costumes, I feel as if the directors did in fact establish the casual or "normal" theme.


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